The story "Seeing Things Simply", by Edwidge Danticat, follows a young adult named Princesse whom poses nude for a painter from Guadeloupe, named Catherine. Princesse is modest, but also very self-confident. However she fears negative attention which is why she hesitates and asks Catherine to turn around as she undresses. Princesse admires Catherine's sophistication and outlook on the world. The first few paintings Catherine draws of Princesse, left her wondering how Catherine could capture her body in such a way. Catherine tells Princesse "It is hard to catch a likeness of a person unless the artist knows the person very well. That's why, once you find someone whose likeness you've mastered, it's hard to let them go." The two women really start to form a bond making things very comfortable. One can see Princesse starting to open up, becoming more willing; every day Catherine taught her something new. Whether she's teaching her about life, art, o
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